• 2023-10-12 18:39:17

CTC Wire for Transformers

CTC conductor is a special structure of wire which is commonly used in transformer windings.

Wire structure: CTC wire consists of multiple strands of fine copper wires. These fine copper wires are twisted continuously to form a compact structure. Usually, the number of fine copper wires is equal, and twisted together in a certain order to form a closed loop.

Continuous twisting: The copper wires of a CTC conductor remain continuous during the twisting process. Each fine copper wire will be twisted several times throughout the length of the wire, forming multiple twisted loops. This continuous twisting structure gives the wire its special electrical and magnetic properties.

Direction of twisting: Each copper wire in a CTC conductor is twisted in a fixed direction. Neighboring copper wires are twisted in opposite directions, which reduces magnetic interference in the winding and the interaction of magnetic induction coils.

Eddy current loss: The twisted structure of CTC wires can effectively reduce the Eddy current loss. Eddy current loss is the energy loss caused by the eddy currents generated by the AC current in the wire. the structure of CTC wire can reduce the length of the path of eddy currents, thus reducing the eddy current loss.

 Current Distribution: The continuous twisted winding structure of CTC conductors allows for a more uniform current distribution. This helps to minimize hot spots in the winding and improves the stability and durability of the winding.

The advantage of CTC wire is its compact, twisted winding structure that provides better electrical and magnetic properties. It reduces eddy current losses, improves current distribution, and increases transformer efficiency and performance.CTC conductors are commonly used in the windings of high power transformers, large motors, generators, and other power equipment.

The design and use of CTC conductors requires consideration of specific application requirements, including current capacity, voltage level, and space constraints. In the transformer manufacturing process, appropriate CTC conductor parameters will be selected according to specific design requirements, such as the number of fine copper wires, cross-sectional area and twisted winding method.

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