• 2023-11-10 15:59:17

Advantages of Polyurethane Enameled Wire

Enameled wire lacquer is one of the main products of insulating varnish, is a class of special paint applied to motors, wires and electrical equipment, etc., the manufacture of generators, capacitors, cables, wires and other electrical equipment, industrial products, all need to be coated with a final layer of insulating varnish between the conductor and the conductor can completely cut off the current in order to allow the current to pass through in accordance with the normal route.

Enameled wire paint film generally has good insulation, good heat resistance, good mechanical properties and good chemical resistance. Enameled wire is generally composed mainly of film-forming agents, solvents, and auxiliary materials.

Among them, polyurethane enameled wire has the following characteristics due to its unique structure: 
1. Good straight solderability. When polyurethane enameled wire is soldered, there is no need to remove the varnish layer in advance, which improves the environment and saves cost and soldering temperature. Low temperature (about 375-390℃) and fast speed (about 3 seconds); 
2. Good high-frequency resistance, high-frequency dielectric loss angle tangent of the film is smaller, after appropriate modification can be used to prepare inverter corona-resistant wire enamel; 
3. Good dyeing, polyurethane enameled wire can be mixed with a variety of dyes to make a variety of colors of enameled wire; 
4. Low temperature and high speed wire coating, the storage temperature is about 50-100℃ lower than polyester enameled wire, at the same time, the coating speed is 2-3 times faster, which greatly improves the coating speed. Improved production efficiency. Based on the above unique advantages of polyurethane enameled wire, it is widely used in the field of color TV, instrumentation, household appliances and other electronic products with more soldering points. Polyurethane enameled wire market continues to grow in recent years, according to incomplete statistics, the annual growth rate of 10% -15% or so, and in many occasions to replace the polyester enameled wire, so polyurethane enameled wire market prospects are very broad.

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