• 2023-12-20 10:09:10

Insulated enameled CC enameled wire for AC contactor

Common insulation materials include polyamide, polyimide, polyurethane and polyamide ester. Different insulation materials have different electrical properties, temperature resistance and chemical resistance, so selection needs to be evaluated based on the application environment and requirements.

Insulated enameled wire is a wire whose conductor surface is covered with a layer of insulating material, usually polyamide or polyimide resin. This layer of insulation provides electrical insulation and protects the conductor from the external environment.

The conductor part of CC enameled wire is usually made of copper. Copper has good electrical conductivity and mechanical strength, allowing CC enameled wire to provide low resistance and stable performance during current transmission. The size of the conductor can be selected based on current load and resistance requirements.

The thickness of the insulation layer of insulated enameled wire is crucial to the electrical insulation performance. Proper insulation thickness prevents leakage and short circuits between wires and provides adequate electrical isolation. Insulation thickness is usually determined based on code requirements and required electrical characteristics.

When selecting insulated enameled wire, you need to pay attention to its temperature resistance. Different applications may require different temperature resistance characteristics, so it is necessary to ensure that the selected insulation materials and insulated enameled wires can work stably within a specific temperature range.

Insulated enameled wires usually need to comply with relevant standards and specifications, such as those of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the standards of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), or industry-specific specifications. Following these standards and specifications ensures the quality and reliability of insulated enameled wire.

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